Our leadership

Sky Lakes Medical Center is an internationally accredited, community-owned, acute care hospital. That means the people in the communities we serve own us.

A 10-member board of directors is our direct connection to our community. Those volunteers set policy direction that is put into action through our senior management team, our president/chief executive officer and five vice presidents.


The senior management team, working with our directors and staff, develop plans to put into action the policy direction set by the board.

Senior management team


David Cauble

President and Chief Executive Officer


Richard Rico

Vice President and Chief Financial Officer


Ron Woita

RN, Chief Nursing Officer and Vice President of Patient Care Services


Grant Niskanen

MD, Chief Quality Officer


Bryan Fix

MA, SHRM-SCP, Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer


Grant Kennon

Vice President, Chief Legal Officer and Chief Strategy Officer

Radu Moisa

Radu Moisa

Assistant Medical Director, Program Director for Cascades East, Board of Directors

5116_Erin Gonzales

Erin Gonzales

MD, Vice President, Chief Physician Executive and Chief Medical Officer

Board of directors

John Bell, Chairman

Ron Wendt, Vice Chair

David Cauble, CEO

Heidi Neel Biggs

Douglas McInnis, DVM

G.Scott McCreadie, MD

Wendy Warren, MD

Radu Moisa, MD

David Stork