We know that healthcare is both necessary and expensive. That’s why Sky Lakes Medical Center provides financial assistance to qualifying individuals. No one will be denied access to services due to inability to pay. There is a discounted/sliding fee schedule available based on family size and income.
This is for anyone who receives services billed by Sky Lakes Medical Center. Other independent physicians, including surgeons, pathologists and other specialists may bill separately. Hospital Financial Assistance would not be applied to those bills.
You can pay your bill using our secure online Guest Pay feature.
Puede pagar su factura utilizando nuestra función segura de pago de invitado en línea.
You can ask for help with your bill at any time during your hospital stay or billing process. We will figure out how much you owe by looking at if your yearly income is less than or equal to 250% of the current Federal Poverty Guideline (sliding scale), you may not have to pay your bill. Tabla de Nivel Federal de Pobreza (PDF).
If your income does not meet the guidelines to have all of your bill paid for, you may qualify for help paying for part of your bill. The help is based on a sliding scale that looks at your yearly income and family size.
You can apply using this Financial Assistance Application (PDF). You can also apply for help with your bill in person, by mail, or over the phone by calling our Financial Assistance Department at (541)274-6699 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays. Applications for assistance are also available at any Sky Lakes registration station and enclosed in most of your billing statements. In some cases, you may get help from the hospital without applying.
We also contract with a vendor named Change Healthcare to help us identify uninsured patients who may qualify for coverage through various government programs, including Medicare and Medicaid. They can help get all your paperwork squared away at no cost to you. If you do not qualify to receive financial help from Medicaid, they can work with you to find some other options like state/local programs, disability, insurance through the Affordable Care Act, our hospital charity program, or other payment programs. If you currently do not have insurance, please let us know so that we can help connect you to them.
Full Sky Lakes Financial Assistance Policy (PDF) effective July 2024.
List of providers not covered by the Financial Assistance Policy (PDF), effective July 2024.
More questions? Please feel free to call our financial counselors, 541.274.6699, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays.