
Contact Us

Want to learn more about our services? Give us a call during business hours.

Tailored to your needs

Individual visits


Our multidisciplinary team of providers is here for you!


For advice, guidance, and support you can trust, talk to the providers at Sky Lakes Wellness Center today. One-on-one appointments are available with our physician, dietitian, or Qualified Mental Health Associate.


Visits with our physician may be billed to insurance. For visits with our dietitian or Qualified Mental Health Associate, there is a $50 per hour fee. Bundle your visits and save! Get two, 1-hour long visits for $75.


Call us at (541) 274-2770 to schedule an appointment.

Group medical visits


Join our providers for Group Visits. We will discuss disease facts, treatments, and interventions. Why Group Visits? The camaraderie and the questions. You never knew you HAD that question until someone else asked it! Group visits are billed to insurance. Call (541) 274-2770 to sign-up.


Throughout the year, we offer group visits for the following:

  • Chronic pain
  • High blood pressure
  • Anxiety/depression
  • Diabetes
  • Long COVID
  • COPD/Asthma

Employee wellness support


Good employee health is good for business.


At Sky Lakes Wellness Center, we offer a variety of options to suit your unique worksite needs:

  • Body Composition Analysis.
  • Knowledgeable guest speakers from our team of providers on topics like
    managing stress, easy and healthy snacks, and work-life balance.
  • Group rates for our Lifestyle Change Program.
  • Any of the following classes can be hosted at the Wellness Center just for your staff:
    • Mindful Meals Cooking Classes.
    • Increase Joy & Decrease Stress Classes.


Contact us to learn more and get a free consultation.

Body composition analysis


Are you interested in understanding how much fat you have compared to your muscle mass? Are you starting a new food or exercise regimen and curious about how your fat percentage will change? Or maybe you just want to determine if you’re staying hydrated in our dry climate!


You can answer all of those questions with a Body Composition Analysis at Sky Lakes Wellness Center. Our Body Composition Analyzer uses the latest multi-frequency technology to record a comprehensive range of measurements in just 20 seconds, from fat and muscle mass to basal metabolic rate, visceral fat, and hydration levels.


Sign up for your body composition analysis today!


For just $15 for an individual or $20 for a couple, you will receive a full-page report with your results, as well as a 15-minute consultation to review the findings and discuss recommendations for improvement.


Call the Wellness Center to enroll at (541) 274-2770.

Wellness Center Programs


We offer two programs through the Wellness Center. These are our Lifestyle Change Program (15-week program) and National Diabetes Prevention Program (yearlong program).