Nurse Residency at Sky Lakes


A job at Sky Lakes is more than just a job, it’s a calling to create healthier communities across Southern Oregon and Northern California with outstanding care. When you pick a job, you’re choosing your employer, community and more.

Hear from one of our nurse residents

Our Nurse Residency Program


Graduating from nursing school and moving into the practice of nursing is one the first milestones for newly licensed nurses. It is also the moment when theoretical learning begins to connect with real-life scenarios. Nursing residency programs are crucial to assist the new graduates to develop clinical decision-making and leadership skills to enable them to flourish in dynamic and complex work environments.


At Sky Lakes, we are proud to offer a 1-year nurse residency program that presents the tools, skills, and resources to be successful in the hospital setting. When you join the nursing team of Sky lakes, we can take an active role in helping you feel at home in your new job. This program provides hands-on experience with a variety of patients in different care departments.


Our Nurse Residency Program strives to:


  • Build competency in the clinical application of nursing knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors
  • Support new graduate nurse’s professional well-being throughout their first year of transition into the nursing practice
  • Promote an ongoing spirit of clinical inquiry, integration of evidence-based practice, and lifelong learning.
  • Create a network of professional relationships to ensure future success.



We often get asked questions about our nurse residency program, so we’ve put together this document that includes the most frequently asked questions that we receive.


If you’re not finding your answer in the doc, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.

Sky Lakes RN Residency Program Elements


Our orientation program will introduce you to our facility and to the mission and philosophy of Sky lakes as well as to the responsibilities of your new role as a registered nurse. The program will also include the following:

Skilled preceptor

You will be paired with an experienced RN who will provide support, guidance, and feedback every step of the way.

Weekly didactic classroom experience

The heart of the program is a structured weekly group get-together which includes reflective journaling.

Reflective Journaling Themes
  • Effective communication
  • Critical thinking
  • Anatomy of a medication error
  • Professional role development
  • Delegation strategies
  • Change management
  • Team building
  • Dealing with workplace conflict
  • Research-based practice
Safe Space

Being a new nurse graduate can be a vulnerable time. The weekly group get-together is considered a “safe zone” where open discussion is supported and appreciated.