Move Fully, Live Freely

Joint pain and injuries may require surgery. Find out if surgery is right for you.

You’ve noticed pain


You may have noticed pain in your joints. Pain isn’t something you should ignore. If you’ve identified that what you’re experiencing is more than just minor aches and pains, you should take action.

Reasons to take action


Taking action can help you identify the root of your problem and help your care team develop a care plan that’s right for you. there are many reasons to take action sooner rather than later when you’re experiencing pain or mobility limitations.



  • Your pain may impact your ability to do things you love or everyday tasks
  • Your pain may worsen over time
  • There are long-term side effects to treating pain with medication without addressing the cause of the pain directly

Functional Limitations


  • You may have reduced activity level due to pain, anxiety, or safety concerns
  • You may have issues with your range of motion such as being unable to fully bend or or use your joints
  • You may be at increased risk of fall, which can lead to more injuries

Compare your options


You have a variety of treatment options depending on where you are in your treatment plan. There are a few treatment paths to choose from.

Surgery Path


  1. Identify the Problem (may include imaging and rehab).
  2. Discuss precautions to prevent further injury (weight-bearing and movement) for a period of time.
  3. Go to rehabilitation to optimize return of function, increase safety, and reduce pain.
  4. Receive coaching about safety, motivation, and comfort.
  5. Discuss surgery possibilities which may range from arthroscopic approaches to total joint replacements.

Rehabilitation Path


  1. Discuss wanting to avoid surgery with your care team
  2. Identify the Problem (may include imaging and rehab)
  3. Create a functional movement and exercise based approach care plan
  4. Go to regular rehabilitation appointments for weeks

Reasons for Surgery


  • Your symptoms indicate that surgery is necessary because of significant soft tissue damage (muscle, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons) or there are degenerative changes to your joint.
  • You’re ready to address the root of the problem.


Reasons for Rehab


  • Your symptoms do not indicate that surgery is necessary because the injury is a sprain, strain, muscle imbalance, or the pain or injury would not respond to surgery.
  • You’re not ready for surgery for a variety of reasons like anxiety, your environment, or have a lack of support.

It’s your decision


Your care is up to you. You and your provider can work together on what care path is right for you and what you want to do.

I want to explore physical or occupational therapy


  • Call your insurance company to see if they require a referral before you can see a rehabilitation provider.
  • Call your primary care team to schedule an appointment to talk about getting a physical or occupational therapy referral.
  • Begin functional movement and exercise-based treatment.

I want a surgery consultation


  • Talk to your Primary Care Physician about surgery
  • Get surgery clearance for preexisting conditions
  • You are ready, capable of, and willing to follow pre-operative and post-operative instructions

I don’t know what I need, help me with a care plan


  • Call your primary care team to schedule an appointment to help manage your condition without surgery or rehabilitation.
  • Consider learning more about where you are in your journey and what options are best for you in the future.