Seniors and those who are at risk of serious illness because of where they work or live, and who received their second dose of Pfizer vaccine in the last six months, are now eligible to receive a third dose of the Pfizer vaccine....

Join us for a FREE Wellness Event on September 12, 2022 at 1:00 pm. We will have a live cooking demonstration, wellness tips, prizes and the opportunity to learn about a program that can help you prevent type 2 diabetes....

Sky Lakes President and Chief Executive Officer David Cauble today named the newest member on his executive team who will fill a newly created position at the Klamath Falls medical center....

Grant Niskanen, M.D., a long-time Family Practice physician in Klamath Falls, has been named the new Sky Lakes Chief Medical Officer, David Cauble, Sky Lakes President and Chief Executive Officer, announced today....

Kristina (Krissy) Holmes began her expanded role as the Director of Interventional Services on June 12, 2022. Krissy has been a Sky Lakes employee for the last 22 years and she’s managed the Catheterization Lab for six years. The cardiac catheterization laboratory is a specialized...

On this edition of Five on 5, KOBI-TV anchor Grace Smith is joined by David Cauble to talk about what excites him about his new CEO position at Sky Lakes, how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed healthcare, and how he wants to help frontline workers....