Hello, everyone. I’m Paul Stewart, CEO of Sky Lakes Medical Center.
Today, in addition for speaking for my organization, I am also speaking in behalf of the nearly 200 physicians in the local medical community.
I’m here to ask for your help: Please do all you can to decrease COVID exposure in our community.
Sky Lakes has carefully prepared for a surge of COVID-19 patients, but hospital capacity – our ability to provide medical care for the people you love – depends entirely on having staff and providers available.
If doctors and nurses are required to care for an influx of COVID patients, they are not available to take care of other patients.
Please follow the advice from public health experts. Protect those around you by wearing a mask, limit gatherings with people outside your household, and observe physical distancing of at least 6 feet.
Here’s why: Sky Lakes on Tuesday set an unfortunate record for the number of COVID patients in the hospital. The isolation unit was filled to capacity!
And because there soon will be even more COVID patients needing hospitalization, we opened a second isolation unit, dedicating precious hospital space for COVID care.
The rest of the hospital’s inpatient care area is still open for other patients. But there are limits and stopping the infection’s spread will preserve capacity and help extend those limits.
We’re all in this together, and together there’s no problem we can’t solve.
Thank you for your time and thank you for all you do!